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Добро пожаловать на фестиваль «Святочные встречи»!

Международный фестиваль психотерапии и практической психологии «Святочные встречи» проходит ежегодно 8-12 января на юге России.

Содержание Фестиваля составляют различные формы профессионального взаимодействия (творческие мастерские, дискуссионные группы, семинары, супервизии, большие группы, собрания сообщества и др.) между специалистами в области обслуживания психического здоровья населения, а также различные формы презентации профессиональной деятельности.

Мы предлагаем вам привезти на фестиваль «Святочные встречи» свой уникальный профессиональный опыт, свои размышления, своих новых коллег и знакомых. От всех нас будет зависеть, станет ли программа очередных «Святок» насыщенной и интересной.







January 8-12, 2023

CONTINENTBusiness Hotel

Stavropol, Russia


Dear Colleagues

We are having this all-together to ponder over the Christmas-Tide Festival topic exactly the moment the entire world is facing an enormous crisis resulting in equally enormous destruction that has affected all the areas of human activity – politics, economy, relationships, life views and people’s lives. For many it is no longer the question of “how to live on?” – their life has stopped. We could not even be sure that we would see January 2023, let alone talking about the Christmas-Tide Meetings Festival. That time we could only think that it was so important to stay on the side of life, and we only tried dreaming of having the Festival. Given this, the theme is definitely within our experiences of the “life after” facing all these ordeals that can be compared with strong gusts and breaks of wind – all winds, to be exact – political, social, economical and the wind that hits the soul.

What effect could all these have on the true personality and its inner world? Will they destroy or make it stronger? What challenges are these bringing for the professional and civil identities? Anyway, we will plunge – together with our patients – into transformations induced by individual stories or gusts that are inevitable in love, in friendship, in work, and breaks or various severity and type. Now, you see the words within this topic – SOUL BREAKS – they transform, once verbs then – nouns, while bearing risks, hopes or destruction… or music breaking in…

Dear colleagues, we are happy to invite you to join the 29th International Festival of Psychotherapy and Practical Psychology

CHRISTMAS-TIDE MEETINGS, which is to be held in the City of Stavropol, Russia, January 8-12, 2023.

Elena Koryoukina

On behalf of Festival Founders


Join our groups in social networks:

festival group Vkontakte

festival group Facebook

Обновлено 25.12.2022 23:22

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| Фестиваль Святочные Встречи ©. 1995 - 2020. | Все права защищены | Хостинг, дизайн, техническое сопровождение - Ivan Korolevskiy.