Главная >> Sviatky 2021 >> Programme

Добро пожаловать на фестиваль «Святочные встречи»!

Международный фестиваль психотерапии и практической психологии «Святочные встречи» проходит ежегодно 8-12 января на юге России.

Содержание Фестиваля составляют различные формы профессионального взаимодействия (творческие мастерские, дискуссионные группы, семинары, супервизии, большие группы, собрания сообщества и др.) между специалистами в области обслуживания психического здоровья населения, а также различные формы презентации профессиональной деятельности.

Мы предлагаем вам привезти на фестиваль «Святочные встречи» свой уникальный профессиональный опыт, свои размышления, своих новых коллег и знакомых. От всех нас будет зависеть, станет ли программа очередных «Святок» насыщенной и интересной.


(an introduction into the events and a brief description of what is available on our website)


The traditionally held events http://www.sviatky.ru/o-festivale/day.html will help you plunge deep into that professional conversation that has been going on for years now.


Warming-up – here the participants may get to know each other and the local traditions.


Opening will introduce the participants to the program and the leaders.


Morning Circles – this is the place where our Managing Secretary Anna Koryoukina (Mikhailovsk, Russia) will steer you through the program.


Large Groups are a way to watch the social interaction here as well as yourself inside. This free-to-go discussion is a promising event offering you lots of new and unexpected. This year’s Large Group leaders are Galina Moskotinina (Stavropol, Russia) and Olga Pryakhina (Novosibirsk, Russia – Chicago, USA).


Key-note discussions shall outline the meaning of the general talk, while the moderators here are the best experts we have invited to drive the entire activity with their speeches.

Daily tell-tales shall help you collect all the impressions of the day in a safe and stable environment led by experienced participants.


The final results as well as the plans shall be discussed at the Academy Meeting (http://www.sviatky.ru/sv-acad.html) where Academicians, Masters and Honored Masters will come together to join their great minds into something super-human.


Academy President – Elena Kalinina (Stavropol, Russia)

Academy secretary – Natalia P. Popova (Stavropol, Russia)


Workshops. Each day each participant will have a chance to choose from 3 to 5 options.

To learn more about our workshops, please visit the website and the Festival accounts in social media.


Surprise workshops are to be announced after Dec 1, 2022, and may even be announced as late as right at the festival.

For details about the leaders, please visit our website http://www.sviatky.ru/svpersona.html


Culture and evening events speak for themselves, so no introduction needed. However, they do take lots of preparation, so visiting the website (Evening Program) would not be something useless. http://www.sviatky.ru/o-festivale/evning.html


When planning our Festival we try to not just have some area for professional interaction yet create something of magic. What it means, you are asking? It means you have to be 200% prepared to dive into this fairy-tale Christmas-Tide atmosphere straight from Day 1.

The traditional cocktail party is to offer you a fun program – listen to something, join something. Meeting new and old friends will never feel boring, stale and dry – dance, snacks and drinks are guaranteed.

Evening 2 – there are two parallels to be waiting for you to plunge in: 1 is about soccer, so you are welcome to try your hand (or feet, to be exact). All you’ll need is some comfortable sportswear and – most importantly – a desire to win! 2 – a professional cinema club to be kindly hosted at the cozy and quiet art-space Orangery café.

Evening 3 is something to let you express yourself and pour out all the creativity that has been boiling inside you for too long now! Join the skit party and offer some performance that may be born in your mind right then and there (the Festival atmosphere does work magic, you know).

And last yet not least – the last evening – is the closing ceremony with a party, a masquerade sure to come along with lots of mysteries, awards, music and chit-chatting.

The Festival is to be held in the heart of our beautiful town, which means we will have all the art places available for more than a few events to be held. Just come and see for yourself!

Welcome to our Sviatky Home!

Обновлено 25.12.2022 23:28

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| Фестиваль Святочные Встречи ©. 1995 - 2020. | Все права защищены | Хостинг, дизайн, техническое сопровождение - Ivan Korolevskiy.