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Добро пожаловать на фестиваль «Святочные встречи»!

Международный фестиваль психотерапии и практической психологии «Святочные встречи» проходит ежегодно 8-12 января на юге России.

Содержание Фестиваля составляют различные формы профессионального взаимодействия (творческие мастерские, дискуссионные группы, семинары, супервизии, большие группы, собрания сообщества и др.) между специалистами в области обслуживания психического здоровья населения, а также различные формы презентации профессиональной деятельности.

Мы предлагаем вам привезти на фестиваль «Святочные встречи» свой уникальный профессиональный опыт, свои размышления, своих новых коллег и знакомых. От всех нас будет зависеть, станет ли программа очередных «Святок» насыщенной и интересной.

Approved by Board of Founders of Festival




1.1. These regulations shall determine the working order of the Festival of Psychotherapy and Practical Psychology Christmas-Tide Meetings, hereinafter referred to as the Festival as well as the rights and obligations of the responsible parties
1.2. The parties assuming responsibility for organizing the Festival are: Board of Founders of the Festival, the Title Organization(s), the Festival Academy, and the Directorate of the Festival
1.3. The activities on organizing the Festival shall be subject to the legislation of the Russian Federation, the Statutes of the Title Organization(s), the Regulations on the Academy, and these Regulations
1.4. These Regulations shall come into effect once it has been approved by the Board of Founders of the Festival

2.1. The Festival is an annual gathering of specialists involved in mental health service and all those interested in promoting responsible and competent psy-culture
2.2. The Festival has existed since 1995 and is held on an annual basis in the period of January 7-14
2.3. The Festival is held in the South of Russia involving specialists from other regions and countries
2.4. The Festival includes various types of professional interaction (workshops, discussion groups, seminars, supervisions, large groups, community meetings, etc.) between specialists involved in the mental health area as well as various ways of presenting professional activities for all those interested
2.5. The aim of the Festival is to establish professional interaction and personal communication in a creative atmosphere
2.6. Objectives of the Festival:
2.6.1. To promote integration of the professional community of mental health service specialists
2.6.2. To facilitate promotion and popularization of modern services in mental health
2.6.3. To establish conditions for experience exchange among specialists of mental health service representing different professions, schools, and trends
2.6.4. To promote discussion of urgent issues in the professional community
2.6.5. To support organizations and individual specialists offering competent assistance in mental health

3.1.1. The Board of Founders, hereinafter referred to as the Board, is the governing body of the Festival. The Board includes the organizers of the first Festival
3.1.2. The Board shall enjoys the right to grant membership to new persons
3.1.3. The Board shall make its decisions at its meetings. The decisions shall be deemed valid in the event they have been adopted with at least half of the Board participating in the meeting. The decisions of the Board, except for special ones, shall be adopted by simple majority. The decisions of the Board shall be subject to protocol; the protocols of the meetings shall be stored at the Festival archives
3.1.4. The Board shall be led by the Chairperson of the Board of Founders who is elected on an annual basis at the annual meeting
3.1.5. The Board shall have its meetings at least once a year. A special meeting can be summoned upon the initiative expressed by at least half of the members of the Board or by the Chairperson
3.1.6. A special meeting shall be held after the Directorate has submitted their report on the Festival held, yet no later than three months after the end of the latest Festival. The meeting of the Board shall be summoned by the Chairperson of the Board of Founders
3.1.7. Board of Founders:
- Shall enjoy the right to alter these regulations upon discussion with the governing body(ies) of the T Title organization(s);
- Shall determine the strategic streams of development for the Festival
- Shall approve the title organization(s);
- Shall approve the list of the members of the Honorary Programme Committee;
- Shall delegate a representative to the Directorate of the Festival;
- Shall approve the nominees and the number of the members in the Directorate and the Committees of the Festival, the Jury, and other issues;
- Shall hear the report of the Directorate on the event held;
- Shall enjoy the right to dissolve the Festival in case of a unanimous decision
3.1.7. The founders shall be exempt from the registration fee for the Festival
3.1.8. The founders shall enjoy the right to attend the meetings of the Directorate with a voting right

3.2.1. The Title organization, hereinafter referred to as the Organization, is an organization, whose activities are related to mental health service. The Organization is a legal entity representing the Festival, in charge of the Festival, at the same time being its major organizational resource
3.2.2. The Organization represented by the governing body:
- Shall delegate its representative  to the Directorate of the Festival;
- Shall suggest nominees for the Director of the Festival;
- Shall interact with the Director on organizational issues;
- Shall approve the budget and the plan for organizing the Festival;
- Shall approve the report of the Directorate on the Festival held;
- Shall provide the Directorate access to the bank account and other details related;
- Shall conduct work on the Festival according to the schedule suggested by the Directorate led by the Director of the Festival;
- Shall provide the informational, technical, organization, and other material resources available, as may be required for the Directorate and other Committees of the Festival, following the approved working plan for organizing the Festival, and the budget of the Festival;
3.2.3. The Organization shall enjoy the right to employ the resources of the Festival to advertise its activities
3.2.4. The members and employees of the Organization shall enjoy the right to:
- Be part of the Directorate and the Committees of the Festival;
- To enjoy special offers & discounts when participating in the Festival

3.3.1. The Directorate of the Festival is the representative governing body of the Festival. It shall coordinate all the routine activities on organizing the Festival following the approved documents for the Festival
3.3.2. The Directorate includes the Director and a representative from the Board of Founders, the Title organizations, and the Academy
3.3.3. The Directorate of the Festival shall have its meetings according to the approved schedule and all decisions shall у made by simple majority of votes. In case of a draw the vote expressed by the Director shall be the determining one
3.3.4. The Directorate of the Festival:
- Represents the project (plan of the organizational events and the budget of the Festival) of organizing the Festival to approved by the governing body of the Title organization(s);
- Shall develop and compose the content of the Programme of the Festival;
- The Directorate shall prepare the projects for all the regulating documents of the Festival to be approved by the Board of Founders and by the Title organizations
- Shall approve the members of the Committees of the Festival, the regional representatives, the technical support staff, the volunteers, etc. for organizing the Festival following the plan approved;
- Shall employ all the material, technical, and informational resources of the Title organization(s) according to the approved documents of the Festival;
- Shall determine the order of spending the funds following the budget as approved;
- Shall determine the rate and the purpose of the benefits for the participants and organizers of the Festival;
- Shall conduct coordinating and organizational function when working on organizing the Festival;
- Shall conduct coordinating and organizational functions during the Festival;
- Shale submit a report on the event held to the governing body of the Title organization(s) no later than three months after the end of the Festival;
3.3.5. The Director of the Festival shall represent the Festival in its relations with the Title organization(s), public, and any other organization(s); shall conduct general governing on the work for preparing and conducting the Festival; shall sign contracts and treaties required to organize the Festival; shall represent the Title organization(s) acting by proxy, and monitor the budget and the plan of the event; shall distribute the obligations of the employees and volunteers and monitor their performance; shall lead the work of the Directorate, organize and lead the meetings of the Directorate;
3.3.9. The Director shall be approved by the Board of Founders as nominee by the Title organization(s) and conduct his/her activities based on a labor agreement signed with the Title organization

3.4.1. The Academy of the Festival is the professional expert body of the Festival and shall conduct its activities following the Regulations approved of the Board of Founders

4.1. The Festival represented by the Director shall possess, employ and direct its funds including the assets, operational funds, other values and financial resources, according to the aims and objectives as stipulated by these Regulations and the purpose of the funds
4.2. The financial funds of the festival shall include:
4.2.1. Participation fees and other financial contributions coming from participants
4.2.2. Income from commercial activities
4.2.3. Income from any work performed or from performing any obligations under contracts with other organizations
4.2.4. Sponsors’ contributions and other donations
4.2.5. Other sources of income if they are not running contrary to the current legislation
4.3. The funds of the Festival shall be spent on the activities related to organizing the Festival according to the budget as approved by the governing body(ies) of the Title organizations
4.4. In case of dissolving the Festival the funds remaining after satisfying the creditors’ claims shall be directed for the purposes determined by the Board of Founders

5.1. The Festival can be dissolved based on and following the provisions of the current legislation of the Russian Federation
5.2. Any alteration into these Regulations can be made after approval from the Board of Founders upon the initiative from the Board of Founders or the Directorate of the Festival
5.3. The Festival can be dissolved upon a unanimous decision of the Board of Founders
5.4. In case of dissolving the Festival the funds remaining after satisfying the creditors’ claims shall be directed for the purposes determined by the Board of Founders

Обновлено 25.12.2022 23:14

| 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | XX век | История |

| Фестиваль Святочные Встречи ©. 1995 - 2020. | Все права защищены | Хостинг, дизайн, техническое сопровождение - Ivan Korolevskiy.